Funniest way to learn Japanese alphabet
- A SHOOTER GAME AIM FOR LEARNING JAPANESE ALPHABET- You are a commander who control ship to fighting enemy.- Enemy are Hiragana and Katakana character in most round (Some special round the enemy can be Romaji).- Weapon is Romaji(Latin) character in most round (Some special round the weapon can be Hiragana or Katakana).- In some special round the weapon and enemy are switch together.- Your mission is to select right weapon for each enemy fall down from the top of the screen.Game play:- The ship is auto move to the nearest enemy (by spawn time) position and auto fire with current selected weapon.- There are four weapon slot available under ship position. - The Player only need to choose the right weapon by touching them.- The enemy fall down from the top of the screen until they had been killed or touch barrier.- The enemy is explore when they are touching barrier (Your ship is always safe).Rounds- The game include 55 rounds.- Round number 1 to number 26 is Romaji vs Hiragana.- 26 next round (from 27 to 52) is Romanji vs Katakana.- The 53th round is Romanji vs (Hiragana & Katakana).- The 54th round is Hiragana vs Katakana- The last round is Katakana vs HiraganaScore- You have +10 points for each time you shot an enemy with right weapon.- You have +20 points for each time you round up.- You have -1 point for each time you shot an enemy with wrong weapon.- You have -2 points for each time you change your weapon.- You have -5 points for each time an enemy touching the barrier.- Your point can be negative, just keep leaning and practice to gain point for round up.- Gain total 25.000 points to reach the last round (round 55th).- Gain 1000.000 points for breaking this game logic.Thank you for play this game!!!Please rating this game!- ROMAJI LIST: { "a", "i", "u", "e", "o", "ka", "ki", "ku", "ke", "ko", "sa", "shi", "su", "se", "so", "ta", "chi", "tsu", "te", "to", "na", "ni", "nu", "ne", "no", "ha", "hi", "fu", "he", "ho", "ma", "mi", "mu", "me", "mo", "ra", "ri", "ru", "re", "ro", "ya", "yu", "yo", "wa", "wo", "n" };- HIRAGANA LIST: { "あ", "い", "う", "え", "お", "か", "き", "く", "け", "こ", "さ", "し", "す", "せ", "そ", "た", "ち", "つ", "て", "と", "な", "に", "ぬ", "ね", "の", "は", "ひ", "ふ", "へ", "ほ", "ま", "み", "む", "め", "も", "ら", "り", "る", "れ", "ろ", "や", "ゆ", "よ", "わ", "を", "ん" };- KATAKANA LIST: { "ア", "イ", "ウ", "エ", "オ", "カ", "キ", "ク", "ケ", "コ", "サ", "シ", "ス", "セ", "ソ", "タ", "チ", "ツ", "テ", "ト", "ナ", "ニ", "ヌ", "ネ", "ノ", "ハ", "ヒ", "フ", "ヘ", "ホ", "マ", "ミ", "ム", "メ", "モ", "ラ", "リ", "ル", "レ", "ロ", "ヤ", "ユ", "ヨ", "ワ", "ヲ", "ン" };